Balanced Living Begins with Balanced Meals
Achieving ultimate wellness includes a focus on a healthy diet. As you age, your body has changing needs. Without proper nutrition, you will have increased risk for multiple health issues. There are also many times that seniors face increased chronic pain and digestive issues because they are not maintaining proper nutrition. Moving into Magnolia Terrace Senior Living Apartments will allow you to have three well balanced meals that are coordinated by a registered dietician on our staff. Monthly resident council meetings give you the opportunity to discuss food preferences with our registered dietician. If you are in need of a private consultation with the dietician, she can schedule this to address your specific health needs.
Moving into Magnolia Terrace Senior Living Apartments and having access to three balanced meals will help …
- Increase mental alertness
- Boost immune system
- Improve recovery from injuries
- Manage chronic health issues
- Decrease symptoms of depression through dining in a social environment